VBorneo Video Mag

Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting more out of Sabah-The homestay programme

It was three weeks ago that a friend of mine was telling me about the homestay programmes.

As the term suggested it means “staying in someone’s home” the subject conjured isn’t about accommodating “bed and breakfast” usuals.

But rather offer travelers and holiday goers the twist of being one with the locals, these case first hand lives of the suburban Sabahans.

Before going any further let’s start with a bit of history; homestays programmes was introduced in Sabah since the early 1990s, either by economic development initiatives of government agencies or local tour and travel companies.

Although these topic wasn’t exactly as appealing as the re-location of the Kota Kinabalu bus terminal to Warisan Square, but it does has its own genre in indentifying the local customs.

Now there would be two parts that falls under the homestay programmes but first let me lay out each in the commonest term I possibly could; one is the building part and second a daily routine part, which is optional upon signing up.

Though both unique in their own style, the building part is perhaps most interesting, although I won’t allow myself getting in-depth for VBorneo Vmag on the two subjects but here is what I could tell you.
The builders programme is on a tit for tat basis, under the habitat4Humanity KK affiliate programme the programme offers builders and volunteers from around the world an opportunity to build homes for the needy, or should I say to the ones needing them.

In return the home owner must compensate that charitable effort by pushing it forward into building a new home for another, calculated in sweat hours. The verdict, overwhelming.

Volunteers from as far as South Korea, France and the USA travels all the way into these continent to share the expertise and human power all in the name of charity; including the added bonus, eco-tourism.

Now for the second part is a chance for the tourists to taste the daily lives of the families in suburb sabah.

Modus operandi is based by homestay providers and host families throughout the State.

Visitors get a unique (one of a kind) opportunity to experience the rich and hospitable cultures especially the exotic food a chance to really connect with local people apart from the views of bus windows.

And the homes built are not hotels, being a visitor also will mean that they will become a part of a family, which means they have to do housely and daily chores.

With these visitors can contribute directly to the rural economy and the people in need and providing the window to support community and conservation initiatives.

As suggested in the Responsible Travel Initiative.

In essence the Homestay Program was established to highlight and showcase this, and at the same time provide alternate and sustainable economic opportunities for people in rural and remote parts of Sabah.( Exceprts from http://www.sabah-homestay.org/)

For more info visit: http://www.sabah-homestay.org/

Written by: Jason Edgar Delos Santos

Not just for Show: The MKA dog show

It was a day unlike any ordinary Sundays -Daschund, Retrievers, Labrador, Rottweiler, and even the lion-like “chow chow” were all lined up for a showcase event.

June 7 2009, The MKA International dog show held at the Centre Atrium at 1Borneo instantly lured regulars to its rarity and leaving them grappled at the “kawaii” factor the dogs' possessed.

But before all that, the "foreign dog breeds" market in Sabah has a long history of acceptance but although it is in tandem with the state’s modern status. Once touted as an “exclusive” hobby, dogs of pure breeds are not just merely a status-parade but also being sought for specific purposes.

While, public eyes pride on the papers of the heroic deeds of selected breeds_like Rottweilers Dobermans and German Shepard; since all three are legendary in narcotics and the fight in pirated goods.

There is another realm of that caters enthusiasts apart from just functionalities,companion-ship. With stores ranging from selling all breeds to grooming to nurseries mushroomed all in the name of demand, fueled by the fancies of enthusiasts of all ages who prefers to pride their “prized” pets, the companion functionality certainly a lucrative indulgence that is both enjoyed by business and dog owners.

But regardless of the commercial sense, dogs of all breed are still worthy of worship for their intelligence, characters and soft majestic coats.

It’s inevitable that the collision relationships between man and dog could be re-defined on a whole new level; the result_ the Malaysian Kennel Association International Dog Show.

And for Ben Hsu creating awareness is being a part of its importance.

"And having events such as a dog show could serve as platform to educate the public.” he justified.

A dog trainer for 16 years, Ben Hsu who is also the MKA director was more than just experimental on show events.

Having successfully completed the Borneo International Cat Show in 2008 and now MKA international Dog Show, he safely passed as a pioneer and champion to domestic animals.

But in general he still believes that society still has misconceptions about dogs.

“You should see the number of stray dogs 10 years ago,” he said jokingly.

“So the best thing that we could do is to create that awareness and to educate the public,” he said.

As they were cases on animal cruelties like the Pulau Ketam episode, dogs in general are still viewed as an inferior life form.

Although the tragedy remained elusive as to avoid being the subject of exploits, dog shows could provide the alternative channel for organisations to have a say and to educate.

And for the SPCA KK, having set up a booth had used the right opportunity in meeting, re-inforcing and sought aid.

On the contrary, there is a need to have deeper understanding and cooperation towards giving the animals’ justice.

Ben urges that future and current dog owners need to have a uniformed mindset as to treat their pets “it’s like adding a new member into the family”.

"As far commercialism concern, future dog owner must do research as to avoid regret and neglect,” he added.

But for all that's worth-that one day at 1Borneo and the 7th International Dog Show or the 277 MKA Dog Show was an event to celebrate all breeds.
And for it to be graced by honoured guests like Datuk Peter Pang Eng Yin, Datuk Henry Hing of Angkatan Hebat and the Chairman of the 1Borneo Hyper mall, Datuk Raymond Chan was "sign enough" that tributes like this are clearly positive and had been long overdued.

To all dogs; including strays.